Eggs 101 Videos

Where do your eggs come from?
Many Americans never learned how eggs end up in grocery stores, where chickens live, how egg farmers care for their hens or what egg farmers do to protect the land, air and water around their farms. A lot happens before eggs are sold, and understanding responsible farming practices used on today’s modern egg farms educates both today and tomorrow’s consumers.
Eggs 101 is a series of short videos telling the story of how eggs travel from the hen house to our plates. The videos are intended for 4th to 8th-grade level classroom use. Each video gives an in-depth explanation of a segment of an egg’s journey, beginning with the barn experience and environmental management, and ending with the egg itself as it arrives in homes nationwide.
We have created an Eggs 101 teacher’s guide for these videos which includes quizzes, lesson plans, and activities that supports national learning standards in science and social studies.
Download the teacher’s guide here
Video review quizzes for students appear after each video.
For Economics lessons on eggs, go here.
Eggs 101 Videos
A brief explanation of the laying, cleaning, and packaging steps for eggs prior to reaching homes nationwide.
Hen houses have greatly evolved over time and are still evolving today. There are many different styles of barns, but each designed to keep hens safe and healthy.
It is important to keep things out of the barn that can make hens sick. Egg farmers place high importance on biosecurity and require farm workers and visitors to follow strict rules when entering the farm.
There are many different species of hens, but each have a similar lifestyle and produce eggs with the same genetic make-up and nutritional value.
A hen’s biological makeup is what allows her to produce many eggs in her lifetime.
Hens in the United States produce up to 75 Billion eggs per year. Eggs can vary in size, but each contains the same three parts and contain an abundance of nutrients.
Eggs go through many different steps during the few days prior to reaching the grocery store to ensure they’re safe. Consumers also play an important role in safe egg handling practices.
Egg farmers work hard to recycle resources used in their barns. Over the past fifty years, egg farmers have been able to greatly reduce their environmental footprint by following strict environmental management guidelines.